Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ten Ways To Sunday

Well, today, the soreness has hit me like a ton of bricks. I went skating today with my dear friend Cheryl. She loves skating. I told her about the Derby Dolls and she is so excited to be attending Boot Camp with me next week. She is going to get her skates out of storage and will be with me.

I had a blast skating around with her. She didn't fall at all...I was taken out by a 9 year old kid! He came out of no where and just took my legs out. I landed on one knee and would have been better prepared had I kept my gear on. I had skated about an hour all padded up...and then the elbow pads were fighting with my sweater. So I took it all off.

Just to be slammed to my knees by a kid! I pray I get better soon.

I enjoyed watching the jam skaters out in the middle of the floor. Their smooth moves to the beats of each song really motivate me to skate more. I hope someday I can just stay on top of my skates and not on top of the floor.

I need a hot bath and some muscle relaxers...

Cheryl said the whole thing today had her laughing ten ways to sunday. She's so crazy. Can't wait to skate with her again.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Counting Boards

Learning how to skate again has its challenges. First, you must find balance. Everything that you do in derby hinges on balance and angles. I have a handle on NEITHER of those concepts. I feel so much like a new pony...finding its legs. I imagine it's quite a comical sight to see. Wish it was as comical to FEEL.

Today's boot camp...well...was very fun...very tiring...I am pooped out. They tried to teach me how to fall...but overall...I think the falling taught me. My ass is killing me!

We skated various drills up and down the length of the rink. I feel often..but kept getting up for more. Considering that was only the 2nd time that I have been to Boot Camp...I thought I did really well. I sure as hell am tired of eating shit.

The coach was kind enough to tell me I did a great job at picking myself up and moving on. He believes in me. He believes I will get it. I KNOW I will! I refuse to get my ass kicked by a pair of skates.