Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Save our kids!

Our California Governor just signed Senate Bill 777 into law. Beginning Jan. 1, 2008 the state of California will be impacted so deeply by this bill and not in a good way. The new law has many points of interest for those of you who have kids still in grade school - such as myself.

Just a few things that stick in my head are:
  1. References of marriage between a man and woman are not allowed to be used in class without offering like definitions for male/male or female/female partnerships.
  2. References to "Mom and Dad" will not be allowed to be used unless like definitions are provided in the curriculum.
  3. If your child feels that they were born the wrong sex, they can state that they belong to the opposite gender and have equal access to that restroom or locker room. For example, if my son decided that he wants to be a cross dresser then the school will have to accommodate him by allowing him to use the ladies restrooms and the ladies locker rooms. School will be required to have gender-neutral locker rooms.
  4. No more prom king and queen in the traditional sense. A boy can be the prom queen and a girl can be a prom king.
  5. If our child has a gay teacher or transgender teacher we will not be allowed to express our beliefs or opinions. Not even to say we disagree with the situation lest it be considered harassment punishable by law. Our children will not be allowed to express a difference of opinion regarding gay or transgender teachers.
  6. Alternative lifestyles will now be in the forefront of our kids education.

I am not anti-gay. I am not anti-transgender. I do not however wish for transgender, gay or bisexuality to be forced into the impressionable minds of my kids. I wish to bring them up in a home where they have a mother and a father.

This bill was signed by the governor without hearing from you and me. THE PEOPLE. I think we as a society should vote on such delicate topics. Especially when it comes to what our children are going to be taught in school.

I have always been an advocate for public schools. I have been of the opinion that our public schools are what we make them to be. So I have participated in classroom activities, purchased needed supplies for my sons class and made sure if there was a need, the need was met.

This law is making me think twice about keeping my son in public school. He will be taught things that while I do not believe is right, doesn't make it wrong for someone else. Some may think of it as a cop-out. I am not one to judge anyone based on their sexual orientation. I will be first to tell you I have just about done everything but died so I am the last to tell another person how to live. I do however want to my kids to be taught in their own time, in their own home about the ways of some peoples world.

Clicking on the link above will take you to the website where you can sign up and have petitions mailed to you when they become available. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to sign it. I want the people of California to have a say in this. If the people want this law, then let them be the deciding factors. Not a legislator with an agenda.

You choose. You as a voter, a parent, a person - gay or straight. Speak up and let's send a message to the Governor that he can't just pass a law like this without hearing from the very people who will have to abide by it.

However you vote - let your voice be heard and encourage others around you to do the same. Take it to work, take it to church, take it to family and friends...take it to the people. Let's do this!

The website is check it out if you get a chance.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Ok, my own mother fired me after a major technology faux pas on my part. Yes, I fumbled the ball. But all was not lost.

After working crazy insane hours and earning some extra cash, I wanted to do something special just for me. So, I discussed with my spouse the prospect of me buying a new notebook. Mind you when I asked the question, I got the answer in the form of a question, "What kind of notebook costs that much money?" Well, the super special kind my dear.

After some bargaining I was able to secure my new Toshiba notebook from Fry's. I got it for a song. It has the processor I want, the RAM I want and the price I really wanted. When I got home, started moving in, I realized that the hard drive was too small.

I take so many photos and have plans for this notebook and realized this was not going to work. So I set myself to use an external portable hard drive. Well, after much comtemplation and some discussions with my mom (the one where she fired me from making any techie purchases for her - he he) I decided on Monday I would return the computer to Fry's. First thought was I will just have them put a bigger hard drive in it. I wanted 160GB and well, that was going to cost $349 and would not be covered under the extended warranty I paid for.

So, the sales guy from computers (Brett) was so kind in telling me I would be better off getting a new one. I wasn't charged a re-stocking fee and left the store with something better than what I wanted. So, for $250 mores than the original purchase price I am sporting a super cool Sony Vaio notebook that has already enabled me to write to you while in one of my favorite eating venues - Panera. Mind you, I should be scarfing down my food so I can get to work. But this is so much more fun!!

Just the prospect of being able to load photos, edit them, post them etc...oh yah, and work is a plus too...well, hey, that just makes my day.

Let me finish my soup before it gets cold and hit to road and get my booty to work before someone REALLY fires me!
