Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What's in a name?

Venezuela is about to slam the door shut on families desiring a unique name for their child. The article I just read today in the International Herald Tribune states this:

"So long Hengelberth, Maolenin, Kerbert Krishnamerk, Githanjaly, Yornaichel, Nixon and Yurbiladyberth. The prolifically inventive world of Venezuelan baby names may be coming to an end."

"If electoral officials here get their way, a bill introduced last week would prohibit Venezuelan parents from bestowing those names, and many, many others, on their children."

I am in a state of shock at this moment. I am just stunned that a
government could impose such rules upon it's people. The proposed rule would
limit the number of names to 100.

Imagine for one moment, that only 100
names were allowed to be used for naming a baby born in the US.

Shocking huh?

Who would decide what names made the cut? How would they decide a
name would make the list?

I thank GOD my family had the freedom to name me MICHELLENE.

I thank GOD that I had the freedom to name my kids their quirky

I hope the Venezuelan electoral officials pull their heads out of
their asses and look into their names...where they came from and how they
were chosen for them. Or is that how they will decide upon the

Monday, September 03, 2007

Product of Environment?

I read a story in the UT yesterday about 2 teens that are charged with the murder of a police officer.

The article basically said that these kids are the product of their environment. Growing up in a bad neighborhood has resulted in this act of horrible violence against another. The kids' familial influences from family members (encarcerated or gang affiliated) - resulted in this.

It got me thinking about where I live now. How will my kids maintain being the wonderful people they are now? Are my kids influenced by their environment?

I think if that is the case, am I leading them to be antisocial? I don't socialize with my neighbors. I don't visit or hang out, or even call any of my neighbors. I have a select number of friends. We visit each other or meet for coffee. We see each other on special occasions like holidays and birthdays. Will this antisocial attitude adversely impact my kids' psyche and turn them into gun-toting schoolers? I hope not. I want them to have friends and be confident that they are loved and that others love them too.

So, what do you do dear reader to socialize impressionable individuals?