Monday, December 18, 2006

Coolness...Check the Cool Wax

I came across this blog...and I thrilled I did...

Click the title and you will see why...

I recall a trip to the record store as a kid and my Dad purchasing a record for me. I believe he bought my brother and I 2 or 3 of them...

I remember this because while growing up...we were taught to never ask for anything when we were out shopping with mom and dad. I am not sure if that was just because it was wrong or because my parents didn't want to be reminded that they were flat broke.

I think it was the latter. But what do I know...I was just a freaking kid.

As for my kids, they have more CDs combined that I can shake a stick at...perhaps I am making up for that which I couldn't have or do when I was a kid.

Anyway, this guy has a ton of great vinyl and he's ripped it just for your enjoyment. Much of it is older than I am but it still reminds me of that trip to the record store. It also reminds me of the vast collection of albums that my Dad had...I loved some of those records...some were clear...some were crazy colors...not just plain black.

Anyway, check this guy out...he ROCKS.


Showtime - Showing Dexter Love!

You have to check out this blog! My dear friend Reylynda is so amazing. Her writing is definitely some of the best out there.

One of my favorite shows of late...besides the The pretty much Dexter. There's nothing like a serial killer that fiends for spilling the blood of other serial killers.

His name is Dexter.

Click the link above to read the best review I have ever read about this show. The writers at Showtime have even taken note and had the post up on their website.