Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ten Ways To Sunday
I had a blast skating around with her. She didn't fall at all...I was taken out by a 9 year old kid! He came out of no where and just took my legs out. I landed on one knee and would have been better prepared had I kept my gear on. I had skated about an hour all padded up...and then the elbow pads were fighting with my sweater. So I took it all off.
Just to be slammed to my knees by a kid! I pray I get better soon.
I enjoyed watching the jam skaters out in the middle of the floor. Their smooth moves to the beats of each song really motivate me to skate more. I hope someday I can just stay on top of my skates and not on top of the floor.
I need a hot bath and some muscle relaxers...
Cheryl said the whole thing today had her laughing ten ways to sunday. She's so crazy. Can't wait to skate with her again.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Counting Boards
Today's boot camp...well...was very fun...very tiring...I am pooped out. They tried to teach me how to fall...but overall...I think the falling taught me. My ass is killing me!
We skated various drills up and down the length of the rink. I feel often..but kept getting up for more. Considering that was only the 2nd time that I have been to Boot Camp...I thought I did really well. I sure as hell am tired of eating shit.
The coach was kind enough to tell me I did a great job at picking myself up and moving on. He believes in me. He believes I will get it. I KNOW I will! I refuse to get my ass kicked by a pair of skates.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wowee Zowee
My wish to post more just didn't pan out for me.
My sister got married on Dec. 9! She's married to a wonderful man and the wedding itself was just simple, lovely and just amazing. Congratulations Kristen and David!!
I filed for divorce at the beginning of this month. I had to face a lot of things. Why I got married, why I was staying married and it just wasn't fair to anyone. While I know that the vows you take are really supposed to be forever...just some things don't work out the way you planned. We all deserve love and respect.
I haven't had the drive to do any of the things I used to. I haven't been into any of my scrapbooks. I hope to be doing that again soon. As soon as I figure things out. I know that this new year is going to be bigger, better, and brighter.
New hobby? I have been frequenting a restaurant near just chill and surf online... I met a wonderful friend. Siobhan is the evening manager there. She and I talk and share stories. She shared with me that I should get out and exercise...I should get out and do something. Well I know that. I am heavier than I have ever been in my life and feel it! She was gone for a few days...and I asked where she had been...she was in Sacramento...skating.
I had always loved roller skating as a kid. Thought it was so much fun and would skate in circles on the concrete slab in the backyard...and up and down the sidewalks...went from metal wheeled polyurethane ones...then I just stopped. Guess I just outgrew it. Well...Siobhan has introduced me to something fun! I have only been a few times...and I love it! I will be attending lessons/training every Monday and Thursday. I want to be a San Diego Derby Doll.
Yep. Roller Derby. Now that you have found your seat and pulled your jaw up off the have to get that old Thunderbirds picture out of your head. It's not like that anymore. So no worries...I won't be losing teeth or hair anytime soon...not from derby anyway. I know you are shocked. Hold up a minute though. It's excellent exercise and man I feel it in my muscles already!! First hips were killing me. I thought I would need hip replacements. The very next night I decided to go and skate anyway. I am not as sore and basically and a little better on my skates. I look something like a newborn foal. Still finding my legs! I can't wait to get good.
I am looking forward to getting into shape and getting good on my skates!
Keep you posted on my progress!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Save our kids!
Just a few things that stick in my head are:
- References of marriage between a man and woman are not allowed to be used in class without offering like definitions for male/male or female/female partnerships.
- References to "Mom and Dad" will not be allowed to be used unless like definitions are provided in the curriculum.
- If your child feels that they were born the wrong sex, they can state that they belong to the opposite gender and have equal access to that restroom or locker room. For example, if my son decided that he wants to be a cross dresser then the school will have to accommodate him by allowing him to use the ladies restrooms and the ladies locker rooms. School will be required to have gender-neutral locker rooms.
- No more prom king and queen in the traditional sense. A boy can be the prom queen and a girl can be a prom king.
- If our child has a gay teacher or transgender teacher we will not be allowed to express our beliefs or opinions. Not even to say we disagree with the situation lest it be considered harassment punishable by law. Our children will not be allowed to express a difference of opinion regarding gay or transgender teachers.
- Alternative lifestyles will now be in the forefront of our kids education.
I am not anti-gay. I am not anti-transgender. I do not however wish for transgender, gay or bisexuality to be forced into the impressionable minds of my kids. I wish to bring them up in a home where they have a mother and a father.
This bill was signed by the governor without hearing from you and me. THE PEOPLE. I think we as a society should vote on such delicate topics. Especially when it comes to what our children are going to be taught in school.
I have always been an advocate for public schools. I have been of the opinion that our public schools are what we make them to be. So I have participated in classroom activities, purchased needed supplies for my sons class and made sure if there was a need, the need was met.
This law is making me think twice about keeping my son in public school. He will be taught things that while I do not believe is right, doesn't make it wrong for someone else. Some may think of it as a cop-out. I am not one to judge anyone based on their sexual orientation. I will be first to tell you I have just about done everything but died so I am the last to tell another person how to live. I do however want to my kids to be taught in their own time, in their own home about the ways of some peoples world.
Clicking on the link above will take you to the website where you can sign up and have petitions mailed to you when they become available. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to sign it. I want the people of California to have a say in this. If the people want this law, then let them be the deciding factors. Not a legislator with an agenda.
You choose. You as a voter, a parent, a person - gay or straight. Speak up and let's send a message to the Governor that he can't just pass a law like this without hearing from the very people who will have to abide by it.
However you vote - let your voice be heard and encourage others around you to do the same. Take it to work, take it to church, take it to family and friends...take it to the people. Let's do this!
The website is check it out if you get a chance.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
After working crazy insane hours and earning some extra cash, I wanted to do something special just for me. So, I discussed with my spouse the prospect of me buying a new notebook. Mind you when I asked the question, I got the answer in the form of a question, "What kind of notebook costs that much money?" Well, the super special kind my dear.
After some bargaining I was able to secure my new Toshiba notebook from Fry's. I got it for a song. It has the processor I want, the RAM I want and the price I really wanted. When I got home, started moving in, I realized that the hard drive was too small.
I take so many photos and have plans for this notebook and realized this was not going to work. So I set myself to use an external portable hard drive. Well, after much comtemplation and some discussions with my mom (the one where she fired me from making any techie purchases for her - he he) I decided on Monday I would return the computer to Fry's. First thought was I will just have them put a bigger hard drive in it. I wanted 160GB and well, that was going to cost $349 and would not be covered under the extended warranty I paid for.
So, the sales guy from computers (Brett) was so kind in telling me I would be better off getting a new one. I wasn't charged a re-stocking fee and left the store with something better than what I wanted. So, for $250 mores than the original purchase price I am sporting a super cool Sony Vaio notebook that has already enabled me to write to you while in one of my favorite eating venues - Panera. Mind you, I should be scarfing down my food so I can get to work. But this is so much more fun!!
Just the prospect of being able to load photos, edit them, post them etc...oh yah, and work is a plus too...well, hey, that just makes my day.
Let me finish my soup before it gets cold and hit to road and get my booty to work before someone REALLY fires me!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Dollars for Dancing
Why you ask? (grin)
Well, her words are:
"Why, you ask? Because I still can! It's a birthday present to myself! October
20th is my birthday and I signed up to participate in Active Arts at the Music
Center's first annual fundraiser A Taste of Dance-A-Thon! Active Arts is a
series of admission-free to low cost events for the artist in everyone. For more
information on Active Arts please visit"
Won't you share in celebrating her birthday with me by donating a few bucks? Her goal is a whopping $200 dollars. I would like to see her meet AND exceed this goal. Because she is...all that and a pair of comfy dancing shoes (instead of the bag of chips...he he he).
Just click on the title and off you go to read more about why she's dancing (why...because she can) and help keep the arts alive in Los Angeles.
Love you!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
My first thought was hmm...they are playing with GPS? Since her fiance was holding a GPS device in one of his I guess my first instinct was so far off from the truth.
Folks, there another world out there. It's an high tech treasure hunt and boy I think I have found a new obsession. (And I don't even have GPS....YET!)
Utilizing GPS and given coordinates you locate hidden treasures, sometimes just a log book but basically if you take something you leave something. But you have to be able to use GPS and your brains to locate it.
Oh boy....I so want to play this game...I am thinking I can do a scrapbooking geocache...or hmm...a cystic fibrosis awareness cache...or hmm...just a cache to have a darn cache...
I can't wait to find out more about this so I can get involved!!
Prayers for Jude
Here's the note:
Dear Friends,We are saddened to update you with the news that Jude has been diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis ( Over the last two days we have learned that Jude has tubers (benign tumors) on his brain which have been causing his seizures. He also has a couple of tumors on his heart, and we're waiting to hear news on his kidneys as well as other body organs. The prognosis for TS is hard to predict because the outcome varies so greatly from child to child. It will be several years before we will have a better idea of what this means for Jude's cognitive development and overall health.
Jude is still on the steroid ACTH which has allowed him to be seizure free for the past 9 days. We are praising God for this fact! However, he is NOT sleeping and grumpy for at least 20 hours each day...which of course is exhausting and very hard to watch as we feel so helpless. Needless to say, this has been the hardest week of our lives. We are now taking proactive steps to care for little Jude as best we can. Monday we will meet with his new doctors at UCLA which has a fantastic Pediatric Neurology department. With this sudden life change, we have come to the decision that we need to simplify our lives, so that we can best take care of Jude. For this reason we will be selling our condo as well as our car. We just don't need these extra financial burdens right now. Many of you have been incredibly gracious in your offers to help in some tangible way. We are humbled by these offers and we have identified some practical ways you could help if you're so inclined. Truthfully, your prayers mean most and we are grateful for your continued support in this way! Here are some of the needs...The stairwell in our house needs to be painted as well as our master bedroom (and some touch up paint around the house) to help prepare the house to sell as quickly as possible.We need someone to clean the house weekly while we try to sell the house. The multiple Dr. appointments and Jude’s sleep schedule or lack thereof :) make it virtually impossible to stay on top of this. People to help us pack items we wont need while trying to sell the house. (china, books, odds and ends).Any help marketing our house. Here is a link with the info on it.... continue to be comforted and amazed by your incredible love, support, and prayers during these difficult days. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.Love, Seth and VanessaLove... “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” I Corinthians 13:7
Please extend prayers for this family.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
What to say....
I have been working too much. With the fiscal year at the facilities I contract at coming to a close, I am busier than ever. Of course I have to take advantage of that. My work as a consultant is cyclic and I must prepare for any downtime I may have. The last 3 weeks thought I haven't had any down time to speak of.
Which got me thinking about some not-s0-profound things, but got me thinking none the less.
The tooth fairy forgot to come the other night. Yep. FORGOT. This is a fundamental no-no in my book. In our electronic age, I tried to explain to my nine year old that perhaps the tooth fairy didn't get my email...or with the unusually moist climate the last few nights, maybe the tooth fairy didn't want to chance getting stuck in a storm. Well, bottom line is...the tooth fell out that day and daddy forgot to tell mommy so mommy could make sure that the tooth fairy came.
To make up, the tooth fairy left a hand made card and wrote a note to Troi that she/he was sorry about missing. The last few days have been unusually busy and that she/he was "swamped". To make up, she/he left TEN dollars!
So, this morning I was informed that the tooth fairy did not forget again and that a note was left. As Troi shared the note with me, he made sure I knew that the tooth fairy was stuck in a swamp so she/he could not get out to take care of business.
I think I have saved a believer.
Phew- that was a close one!
This brings to mind the numerous times I tried to earn extra cash by making paper mache teeth, cutting small pieces of paper into tooth shapes, even taking small stones that looked like teeth and putting them under my pillow. I never was able to fool the tooth fairy into leaving me any cash. I was however afraid that when I actually left a "real" tooth that I would get overlooked. After all, isn't that the moral of the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
Never in those futile attempts at fooling the fairy did I ever think that there wasn't a fairy. I just figured she was damned smart to not be fooled by me.
Here's to hoping that Troi's teeth never get overlooked again and that the busy schedule the Tooth Fairy is keeping eases up a little. Like me, she/he has probably worked 3 weeks straight with no day off. *sigh*
Oh, the tooth fairy also signed the note "Love, T.F." Which Troi lovingly thought meant "Troi F." ha ha ha. I said no, I think it means Tooth Fairy. Isn't that cool that they have the same initials?!?
I thought so.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
What's in a name?
"So long Hengelberth, Maolenin, Kerbert Krishnamerk, Githanjaly, Yornaichel, Nixon and Yurbiladyberth. The prolifically inventive world of Venezuelan baby names may be coming to an end."
"If electoral officials here get their way, a bill introduced last week would prohibit Venezuelan parents from bestowing those names, and many, many others, on their children."
I am in a state of shock at this moment. I am just stunned that a
government could impose such rules upon it's people. The proposed rule would
limit the number of names to 100.
Imagine for one moment, that only 100
names were allowed to be used for naming a baby born in the US.
Shocking huh?
Who would decide what names made the cut? How would they decide a
name would make the list?
I thank GOD my family had the freedom to name me MICHELLENE.
I thank GOD that I had the freedom to name my kids their quirky
I hope the Venezuelan electoral officials pull their heads out of
their asses and look into their names...where they came from and how they
were chosen for them. Or is that how they will decide upon the
Monday, September 03, 2007
Product of Environment?
The article basically said that these kids are the product of their environment. Growing up in a bad neighborhood has resulted in this act of horrible violence against another. The kids' familial influences from family members (encarcerated or gang affiliated) - resulted in this.
It got me thinking about where I live now. How will my kids maintain being the wonderful people they are now? Are my kids influenced by their environment?
I think if that is the case, am I leading them to be antisocial? I don't socialize with my neighbors. I don't visit or hang out, or even call any of my neighbors. I have a select number of friends. We visit each other or meet for coffee. We see each other on special occasions like holidays and birthdays. Will this antisocial attitude adversely impact my kids' psyche and turn them into gun-toting schoolers? I hope not. I want them to have friends and be confident that they are loved and that others love them too.
So, what do you do dear reader to socialize impressionable individuals?
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Hot hot hot!!
I am hypersensitive to temperature. I can admit it. Being my age and so close to that dreaded menopause....(damn damn damn) I am sure that much of this is hormonally driven in my case.
Anyway...I think about my little man Kai. How he is not hypersensitive to heat. He doesn't let anything phase him. Yet, this kid is not allowed to sweat. No- not that he "can't sweat". But more of he should be kept cool and sweat free so he doesn't lose the salt in his body. That damned cystic fibrosis is the problem there.
What about that anyway? When there is an energy crisis going down in your part of town...what do you do to stay cool? Where does one go to avoid overheating and melting into oblivion?
I have had to think about back up know the what if the power goes out and Kai needs coolness.
Well, I think first of a store or mall. Groceries anyone? Macy's? Then maybe a school or library...and perhaps a last ditch resort would be a hospital.
We do have a prescription for air conditioning for Kai to be kept cool. SDG&E doesn't give us a discount but we avoid the highest tier for energy usage...all to stay cool.
I am glad I work in a hospital. I am glad I don't have to worry about losing salt...but darn the little things that just get me thinking...
I hope you all out there stay cool and find some shade.
I am sticking with Kai...since he HAS to stay can too!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Mirror, Mirror
You're right!
Mark Maguire spins a tall of intrigue surrounding the fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
I am only 1/4 through it. It's a good read so far but with my limited vocabulary I am having to look up works such as aerie. Well do you know what it is? I sure didn't!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
The Notebook
Sometimes something profound pops into my head and I ponder it...mull it over in my noggin for what may seem like a rather lengthy time...only to realize that it was just the 45 minute drive to work...then I step into work mode and forget the very thing I was mulling. So, just so I don't forget I have decided to keep a notebook.
You know, these thoughts are not the only things I have been forgetting. I cannot tell you how many places I have lost my keys. No, I am not talking about the house, the couch, the desk at home...I am talking about leaving them at the counter at the pharmacy, between cameras at Target, at the cashiers register at Starbucks, and again at Target. So, if thoughts were the only thing I was losing, well that would be great...lets just hope I don't lose my kids somewhere!!
My current book is Confessions of an Ugly Step-Sister by McGuire.
I have to say, I am very please with this book. There are several words that I am forced to look up (they escape me now) but overall this book is a very good read. It's written in one of the voice of one of Cinderella's ugly step-sisters. You'd be surprised that things are not always what they seem.
How did Cinderella become the woman she became...and is there really a "happily ever after"?
Read to find out more.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Fly or Drive?
I needed to know about how much it was going to cost me (fuel wise) to go to LV. Well click the title and it will take you to AAA's answer to my question. Mind you, this has so many other factors to play into it. I mean, I was born with a genetic defect. Pedal Leadosis (aka Lead Foot) so I am sure that is going to drive my fuel costs through the roof!
Just thought I would share it!
I will post about my decision once it's made. It's leaning toward driving though for sure. The round trip costs are 218+ for the 1 hour flight. The last time I flew, I didn't get there any sooner either. I got there just in time for my husband (who drove) to pick me up. It did however save me a considerable amount of aggravation trying to take a 1 year old on a long drive.
I am going sans familia this time so I will just have to decide which will be better.
What say you dear reader?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME!
This is my Dad, Mom, sister Esther, and baby brother two sons and well, ME!
My brother is busting up because I nearly fell over that armchair and took down the drapes to get beside him before the timer flipped the switch. I am lucky I didn't take down the entire group!
You know I realized something today I was filing through my photos...most of them digital since getting to the print ones is just too time consuming. Well, I began to wonder why I take so many pictures. Why? What is the reason for it? Some of my friends just think I am nucking futs. But you know says I have been here. I was there. I seen this or that....I was. I am.
Cool huh?
So here I am. I was here...on April 21, 2007. I was home with my family sharing a quiet evening in. One where my 2 year doesn't upset the the earths rotation on it's axis or that of anyone else axis for that matter.
I was here.
I saw.
I am.
Friday, April 20, 2007
R.I.P - Don Ho
The post that is.
Narry a party goes on, with my uncle Joaquin involved, when the song Tiny Bubbles isn't played.
I didn't own any albums by Don Ho. Don't have any of his tunes on my iPod. But I do have fond memories of the man and his music.
Rest in Peace Don.
Troi is having surgery later today and as you can see I cannot sleep. My poor little man. If he's nervous, I can't tell because he is out like a light. Good thing. I am hoping to catch some much needed Z's of my own here in a few.
I am particularly tired and just wanted to get this out there.
Say a prayer for the little guy...and for me too. I am experiencing some anxiety about this and I am certain it's normal.
I recall a time when Kai was first in the NICU and I wanted to snatch him out of his bed and just run away...well, I am having that same feeling now about Troi. I want to run away with him past this moment in time just to get through it.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Nuttin But Stringz

Monday, February 19, 2007
Good Life
I noticed a wistful look in her eye as she gazed at Kai. I was pushing Kai around in his stroller while Troi was in watching a movie with my friend Kristi. Kai was fussing in the movie so I wanted to take him I did. But it was early on in the move and I wasn't about to sit in the lobby and we walked out and about. We were taking advantage in the lull in the weather. It was raining hard throughout the day. We went to the movies to escape.
Anyway, while walking around....I bought some hair bands from the $1 store downtown, bought some CDs and stopped at Starbucks (aka 3-bucks cuz you can't leave without spending at least that much!) and while walking back, these women were walking about too.
It really got me thinking about being a mom and how good my life is. Despite the mediocre things I call issues...which really aren't. I have made some good decisions as well as bad. None of course have led me to losing my husband or my kids. I can however, imagine being in those situations. I have an addictive personality and would consider myself borderline if not over the line OCD in many instances...but none of which would ever have me wishing for my kids...or hoping to have my life "more together" to help me get them back.
I was sad for that mom. I know that love she feels for her kids. I know that bond she has with her kids...I do hope she gets her life together to get them back.
For me, I thank God that I have them, that I have my husband and that I have the many blessings I tend to take for granted. I shouldn't do that I know...I need to slow down and truly appreciate all that I have.
Techno Love!

That is, until now. Thanks to American Express and their delightful rewards program, I was able to get the new 5.5G iPod Video - that is 80GB of space for my music, videos, movies and more....all in the space of the palm of my hand!
Ask me why I need something so big? Actually I don't. I just had so many points available and was closing my account so I wanted to use them up quick. Well, this isn't the Digital Rebel XtI I wanted but it is really floating my boat!
I cannot believe I have steered clear of these babies for so long. Never ever saw the importance of having one.
I have over 10-days worth of songs on this things now, and it's only 1/4 full. I have all my favorite music loaded on play lists and the abstract stuff is just there if ever I want it.
I love my iPod. I can't believe I have been without one for so long. I am thrilled to have one now though!!
Welcome me to the new techno generation.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
USANA Super Saturday - WOW

I had the opportunity today to hear some amazing speakers today. Dr. Strand, Jennifer Azzi, Richelle Lund, Mark Wilson, Daniel Song, and so many more I cannot even begin to tell you.
I cannot say who moved me the most because each speaker gave a little bit of themselves to the presentation and I took a little bit of something from each and every one of them.
Jennifer was quite motivational with regards to health and fitness. Attaining our goals was key. What I pulled from her though was that no one should put limitations on themselves with expectations. Expectations are so self limiting. If you look at any situation with the eyes of POSSIBILITY...well that is limitless. You have to have your vision first, then the possibilities. It made me think about Herbie Hancock and his recent album Possibilities. He made a list of the all the artists he would love to work with. He just made that list based on the possibility that some of his list would agree and work with him on this album. Amazingly so many responded and his album is amazing.
Dr. Wolfe spoke abuot the secrets to her success in USANA. I cannot recall all of them but one of her topics was FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. Another speaker - Ms. Thong spoke about fear too...but she had a twist to hers... Forget Everything And Run and Finding Excuses And Rejection. I haven'e been pursuing USANA as a second business as I would like too. For fear of rejection.
Daniel Song had so many great tidbits of information about overcoming objections. He made me realize that I have been letting my fear of rejection overpower what I know is good. USANA products are the best out there. Tht is not just me "talking the talk" because I want to "sell" vitamins...they are proven to be the best...(ask me how).
Today - it was at USANA Super Saturday. For a few dollars I listened to speakers share their information about topics including health and wellness, wealth and just overcoming fear and succeeding in business.
A few months ago, I became a distributor for USANA. Using their RESET program - I feel healthier and as a result have lost 14 pounds. I haven't been focusing on losing weight...but more on the nourishment piece. Funny how when you fuel you body properly it does the rest.
All this coming from a woman who had surgical staples put in her ears to lose weight...shuh...I learned there are no magic pills...OR STAPLES for that matter.
I heard a great deal of excellent information but was particularly touched by Dr. Wolfe's translation of a song from beautiful lyrics to mesmerizing sign language. It was just beautiful. You could really feel the message better than any lyricist could ever have you listen to.
Here's where I was today. I was able to meet just about everyone on the list except for Collette Larsen. He lovely daughter Sharlie went into labor a few weeks early TODAY so she had to be absent. Sharlie is very special. She has cystic fibrosis just like Kai. :)
That is pretty much how I got involved in USANA via Kai's pediatrician Dr. Christine Wood. When she knew he needed extra calories in his diet and she found out I was using butter and various oils...she suggested a USANA product. I then learned more about the oppotunities and signed up myself.

I would share more with you but I am so exhausted and the couple of glasses of wine I have consumed have gone straight to my head.
Friday, February 02, 2007
In Sickness and In Health - not for weak stomachs
This past week has been pretty full. A week ago today, we had to run both boys to the pediatrician because both had spiked rather high fevers. One was 102 and the other was nearly to 103. One was coughing and the other was having diarrhea.
Jerome and I both ventured over to the doctors office and were told that Troi had bronchitis and Kai had rotavirus.
Bronchitis - check
That ones easy, cough meds, decongestant, and Z-pak. Cool. Troi took antibiotics for 5 days and by day 2 was already back to his normal self.
rotavirus - hmm...WTF?
This one is not so easy. After the mom here decided to stop beating herself up for not keeping things "clean enough" for the little CFer, I decided to look into this further.
This virus attacks the gi system causing vomiting and diarrhea. At that point we had only witness the diarrhea and fever. On the way home, we experienced the other part. Quite unexpectedly Kai had deposited his stomach contents all over himself, the car seat, and the accompanying seat in which everything was fastened. I had no idea that he could even hold so much inside him considered he had already been excreting it out the other end. Poor guy. He did this twice over the 30 minute ride home, which seemed much longer to this smell-sensitive mother.
Once we arrived home, things got worse. Kai was unable to keep anything down so we stopped feeding him. Mind you, 99% of his calories still come from high-calorie, special-order, super-expensive formula. When advised that we couldn't give him milk, I quickly asked the doc - well, what do I do for him to get him his calories. She recommended a daily supplement of acidophilus and keep him hydrated at all costs.
That we did. He finally started eating again on Sunday in small amounts. When I say eating...I really mean drinking. He is still in OT for that.
Were it not for my darling husband through all this, I think I would have lost my mind completely. He was so good at getting up with me to sponge Kai down and he cleans up those nasty spills that I just cannot. So, marriage is not for those for the weak in stomach and neither is having kids.
I am realizing now in my ripening age, that family is a marriage not only between two people but any offspring too. So, in sickness and in health, I have an excellent partner. Thank God for his iron-clad stomach and his ability to breathe through his mouth. I for one refuse to be a mouth breather when there is something pungent lingering in the air. Why you ask dear reader? Well think about it. All odors are particulate even if in microscopic amounts. So if I can SMELL it...then I get the idea.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Casualty of Christmas (2006)
Troi was helping me take down the tree and was trying to take several down at the same time. His little arms were full and this one had to be sacrificed. One to save the many.
He thought it was my favorite. So he was upset that he broke it. I had to remind myself not to over react. I was upset only that there was broken glass all over the carpet - still not a biggie...but we three (Troi, Kai and myself) were barefooted.
So, my dear reader, this beautiful, handcrafted bulb, not one of my favorites, but one of the more expensive ($6) has drifted off to bulb heaven where it will once again be made whole. It lived a very good life. The best a bulb could live.
I wonder which one will have it's number called next year.