I had the opportunity today to hear some amazing speakers today. Dr. Strand, Jennifer Azzi, Richelle Lund, Mark Wilson, Daniel Song, and so many more I cannot even begin to tell you.
I cannot say who moved me the most because each speaker gave a little bit of themselves to the presentation and I took a little bit of something from each and every one of them.
Jennifer was quite motivational with regards to health and fitness. Attaining our goals was key. What I pulled from her though was that no one should put limitations on themselves with expectations. Expectations are so self limiting. If you look at any situation with the eyes of POSSIBILITY...well that is limitless. You have to have your vision first, then the possibilities. It made me think about Herbie Hancock and his recent album Possibilities. He made a list of the all the artists he would love to work with. He just made that list based on the possibility that some of his list would agree and work with him on this album. Amazingly so many responded and his album is amazing.
Dr. Wolfe spoke abuot the secrets to her success in USANA. I cannot recall all of them but one of her topics was FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. Another speaker - Ms. Thong spoke about fear too...but she had a twist to hers... Forget Everything And Run and Finding Excuses And Rejection. I haven'e been pursuing USANA as a second business as I would like too. For fear of rejection.
Daniel Song had so many great tidbits of information about overcoming objections. He made me realize that I have been letting my fear of rejection overpower what I know is good. USANA products are the best out there. Tht is not just me "talking the talk" because I want to "sell" vitamins...they are proven to be the best...(ask me how).
Today - it was at USANA Super Saturday. For a few dollars I listened to speakers share their information about topics including health and wellness, wealth and just overcoming fear and succeeding in business.
A few months ago, I became a distributor for USANA. Using their RESET program - I feel healthier and as a result have lost 14 pounds. I haven't been focusing on losing weight...but more on the nourishment piece. Funny how when you fuel you body properly it does the rest.
All this coming from a woman who had surgical staples put in her ears to lose weight...shuh...I learned there are no magic pills...OR STAPLES for that matter.
I heard a great deal of excellent information but was particularly touched by Dr. Wolfe's translation of a song from beautiful lyrics to mesmerizing sign language. It was just beautiful. You could really feel the message better than any lyricist could ever have you listen to.
Here's where I was today. I was able to meet just about everyone on the list except for Collette Larsen. He lovely daughter Sharlie went into labor a few weeks early TODAY so she had to be absent. Sharlie is very special. She has cystic fibrosis just like Kai. :)
That is pretty much how I got involved in USANA via Kai's pediatrician Dr. Christine Wood. When she knew he needed extra calories in his diet and she found out I was using butter and various oils...she suggested a USANA product. I then learned more about the oppotunities and signed up myself.

I would share more with you but I am so exhausted and the couple of glasses of wine I have consumed have gone straight to my head.