Friday, November 10, 2006

Whiskey Tango White Trash

This is to the woman at Domino's running her mouth at the employees there ESPECIALLY at Diana. What in the world did she ever do to you?

Are you a hater because she has more character than you do in your little finger? Your misconception must be that you are more beautiful than she because you have your token hottie on your arm...who was also running his mouth.

Dear miss blondie-

You started ranting about your credit card being charged twice for pizza you hadn't received yet. Ok...VALID complaint but the way you went about it is all wrong. I understand that you are frustrated with the situation but that doesn't warrant name calling...didn't your mother ever teach you that?

Regardless of the situation you should remain courteous and get more bees with honey than you do fecal matter. By your tone and your use of slang words proved possitive you are quite familiar with fecal matter because you were spewing it all over the place...your slang terms such as "Whiskey Tango White Trash" at Diana was really poor form on your part.

For one, it's you that looked bad.

For another, Whiskey Tango IS white trash. So you really called her White Trash White stupid is that?

Also, considering we are all from daughters of Eve (no lie...your mitochondrial DNA can be traced back to the 7 daughters of Eve...) then you are related to that makes you...Whiskey Tango Whiskey Tango.

Next time, check yourself before you wreck yourself...

You never know why people are where they never know where they have been and you don't know where people are may run into Diana again someday...She could be your kids Dr when you need some answers...she may be your accountant when you want to know where all your money went...hmm..

It's called Karma.

I would like ring-side seats for the nex time you see Diana or the next time someone is on your ass about a screw up that you made... maybe I will be lucky and it will be on PPV or even UFC! I am betting Diana will clean your clock.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


You know, I giggle at the name only because when I first met my husband he had to jump someone's dead battery. He's from Baltimore. They call that a HOT SHOT.

Well, that's not what this place is about...but I will never forget the name!

They repair eyeware. ANY eyeware it seems.

I needed a repair in a bad way.

I took Kai and Troi with me to a Parent Teacher conference today and Kai got into someone's desk. He took their little glasses and MANGLED them. Of course, being the responsible parent I am....I knew I had to repair them.

So, I too them to HOT SHOTS! They fixed them in about 10 minutes! NO LIE.

Thank you HOT SHOTS! You ROCK! I appreciate it so very much. I just cannot tell you how you have saved the day! Beat the teachers suggestion all to pieces...she was actually going to just tape them! I couldn't have that.

Thank you again!
